Thursday, January 12, 2012

Water (continued) My Tried and Tested Methods

These  are  methods  that  I  have  tried  and tested in  my  own  home. They work  for me. Look over them and see if  they  are  a viable resourced for  you and your  family. Only you know your  circumstance, family needs  and  your shelter.  Space, comfort  and  surroundings are very  important.  Do your research don’t  just take my  word  for it.   Your  knowledge  and the  skills  you  acquire are  more  valuable  than  any  amount of  prep  work  you  can  do  for  any  disaster scenario!

Rain Catchment  System
Now  if  you  have  property then  the smartest  thing to do is  to have a  rain  catchment  system.  This  way  you  can  always  have a  viable way  to  capture  water  when it  rains  and  you  do not have to  go very  far to  replenish  your  supply.   It can  be as  simple  as  purchasing  some inexpensive  plastic  trash  cans  with  lids that  you  can  line  with untreated plastic  bags .  Placed under a  downspout  from your  gutters.  Or  all  along the  length of  your  roof right  under the  overhang  where  water  collects  the most.  This  is  generally  at  corners or  where there  is a joint such as occurs in  split  level  homes.  They  can  be  placed  behind  bushes so they  are  not easily  seen.  That  way   you  avoid neighbors  complaining.  I  use  this  method  to  collect water  for  my  garden.  Twelve- 30 gallon containers and  I  always have  in  excess of 360 gallons  of  water  that  can  be  used.  If  I  needed  to use it  for drinking  all I  would need to  do is  filter  and  sterilize and  I would  have all the  water  I  needed for  as long  as it  rained.
If  you  have  to  leave your location  for  water  reason then it  would  be  best  to have a large  tarp.  No  matter where  you  go  that  tarp  can  be  set  out to  catch  rain  water  for you.  Most  o the  time it is best  to  dig a  hole and  place a container ( as  big  as  you  want  it to be anywhere  from a  5  gallon  bucket  to a  30 gallon container.  The choice  is  yours).  A  hole  is  made in the  center of  the  tarp and that hole is  placed  over  the container.  Making  sure  all  4 sides are  elevated enough  to  create a  slant  so the  water   will run  towards  the  hole naturally.  If  you  are  unable  to  dig a  hole  to place the container  beneath the  tarp.  Then  you  must  find a  way  to fasten the  4  sides  of  the  tarp securely above the  container.  Same  as  before  the edges  must  be elevated  enough  above the  container  as  to  create  a slant significant  enough for the water  to  flow to the  center where the  hole is.  Make  sure that  the  tarp is  well  secured as in a  heavy  rain the  weight  of the  water  will surely pull it  loose.   
Hauling  Water  From  an Outside  Source
  • Streams, rivers, and other moving bodies of water
  • Ponds and lakes
  •  Natural springs
  • Rainwater

Not  having the  ability  to set up a  rain  catchment system  or being  faced  with  drought conditions  where there is  no  rain then one  must  consider other  sources.  Nearby  lakes,  rivers  or creeks that  one  can  use  5 gallon  buckets for  transport.  Using  a wheel barrel , cart, wagon or  any viable  means  of  transport that  would  make it  easier  to  haul  the  water back.
Fire  hydrants nearby that  can  be  opened  to  access  water.  Remembering that  if  the  grid is  down   pressure  will be  low  and  if  that   hydrant  happens  to  be on a lower elevation then  gravity  will be working  in  your  favor  and  the  water  will flow.
Making the  water  safe  to drink
There  are  many  ways to make  water  safe to drink.  You  can  boil it  and  then  filter it  to  kill  microbes and parasites that  would make  you  and  your family  ill.  You  can  buy  a  Berkey  filter  which  many   people  swear  by,  although  it is  quite  pricey.  Not to  mention  having to  purchase  extra  filter  components for  when  they  need  replacement.  After all,  no  filter can  be  used forever without replacement.  Unless you have a  bio  filter.
Sand Filter
You  can  use a  gallon  bucket   filled with  sand  to  filter  out all of  the  solids, so that the  water is  ready  for  disinfection.   This  will help  by removing  all solid  matter  and  clearing  up the  water  getting  it  ready  for  disinfection.  If you  are  unable to  boil the  water due to  lack of  fuel  then there  are  alternate solar  methods  that  can  .  be  employed  to achieve the  sterilization  process.  A solar  distiller is  easy to  make  and  it  utilizes  the  heat  from the  sun  to   distill the  water no matter  how   dirty  or  contaminated  it is, into safe drinking  water
Slow Sand Bio Filter
You  can also  build  a slow sand  bio filter.  Using a 30  gallon or  so  plastic  trash can, fill it ¾  of the  way  with  sand.  A hole is  drilled into the  bottom  of the  plastic  container  and a  spout inserted  and  sealed before the  sand is added.   Then the sand  filter  can be  connected to receiving cans where  you  can have  your filtered water for use.  Or install a  spigot  where you  can  turn it  on and  off and add water  as  you  need it to  be filtered Always  being conscientious to leave  water in the filter.  Allowing the filter  to sit  without water  would  kill the   anaerobic  beneficial  bacteria( as  they  need  to  be in  an  oxygen  deprived environment  to  survive or the  bio  filter  will  crash and  become  useless.  As they  take a bit of  time to  become  established.  You  will know  that  your  bio filter  is  established when you  see the  slime  build up at the  top of  the  sand.  Yes  I  know  that  is  gross and  it  sounds  disgusting,  however,  nature  has  it’s  secrets  and  this is  one of them.  The  same  process is used to  keep  the  water  in  fish  ponds  and aquariums  safe.
Biological water treatment involves the use of naturally occurring micro-organisms in the surface water to improve water quality. Under optimum conditions, including relatively low turbidity and high oxygen content (as occurs  with  rain water  run off  from let’s  say a  roof), the organisms break down material in the water and thus improve water quality. Slow sand filters or carbon filters are used to provide a place on which these micro-organisms grow. These biological treatment systems effectively reduce water-borne diseases, dissolved organic carbon, turbidity and color in surface water, improving overall water quality.  Once  the  colony  of  beneficial  bacteria  is established  it  will take  care of  the  most  of the organisms that  can  make you  sick.  Biological treatment has been used in Europe to filter surface water for drinking purposes since the early 1900s and is now receiving more interest worldwide.
Quick Water  Source for Immediate Storage
There are  many  ways  to  store  water inexpensively  without  having to purchase cases  of   bottled water. They  can all be  used to  hold ordinary  tap water.  Yes, tap water.  At the  risk  of  offending  the  health  advocates out there.  The  true  reality  is that  not  everyone is able  to  afford to  purchase many things.  So  in the  spirit  of  being  not  only  practical but  realistic we will deal  with that  fact  and  address it  accordingly.  The  alternative would be  not  having  enough  water  causing  dehydration,  unsanitary conditions and  possibly  death.  Tap water is  the   single most  inexpensive  source  of  water  you  have  access to.  Using  tap  water and  the items  I have  mentioned  can  save  you  not only  plenty  of  money  , but it  could mean the  difference between  life  and death in a  situation  where  there is  no water  readily  available.  Not to  mention  the  simple  fact  that  it  has already  been  chlorinated  and  treated so that  it is  safe  to  drink.  You  need  not  add  anything to it  ,  just  make  sure  that  the vessels  you  use  for the  water are sealed properly  to  avoid  contaminants  from  getting in.   Saves  you  time in having to  go out  and  look  for  it  not to mention the fuel and  time you  would have to  put into disinfecting it to make it safe to  drink  and  use  for personal  hygiene.

***  I  would like to add here  that when water  is collected for  boiling disinfection it  is best  to  make  sure  you  have  stocked up on  paper  coffee  filters .  They  are  excellent  for  filtering out  the  larger  particles.

****  Throughout  this  blog  I  will be  presenting  diagram  and  schematics for DIY projects on  survival and green items that  will come in  handy.  Not  only  when the  grid  goes  down  but to save  money  as  well as energy.

See ya soon   :)   …………………

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