Saturday, March 15, 2014

An insider and former head trader for a top banking firm issued a warning that 'hit squads' have been made active in the Wall Street area

Keep calm and kill a banker
Courtesy of
Kenneth Schortgen Jr
February 5, 2014
Within the past few weeks, at least three high level bankers and one financial journalist have either died due to mysterious circumstances that officials have quickly labeled as 'suicides', or disappeared without a trace. With little information to go on from most public sources, several outside investigators have questioned the timing and reasons why these individuals have suddenly died, or been killed off, and are continuing to seek answers.
However, on Feb. 5, an insider and former head trader for a top banking firm issued a warning that new information is out which shows that 'hit squads' have been made active in the Wall Street area, and that a high level banker tied to recent investigations into Forex manipulation, along with up to three dozen others involved in scandals, are being targeted for potential assassination in light of their viability as witnesses and whistle blowers to federal and financial regulators.
Word on the "street" watch for a top level American bankster to expire. Hit teams are fully operational in Wall Street. (REDACTED) HIGHLY VISIBLE POWER BROKER- co-ordinating. Speak to you soon. Please post this to warn sheep. V-UPDATE 9:24 AM MOUNTAIN-NEXT ON THE HIT LIST CITI EXECUTIVE TIED IN WITH FOREX FRAUD -HIT LIST HAS 3 DOZEN MORE NAMES-DESPERATE TIMES REQUIRE DESPERATE MEASURES IN THE WORLD OF MONETARY CONTROL! JPM can't hold yellow metal shorts on notional gold. LIBOR and derivative hits continue as bankster suddenly commit "suicide". 43 are on the knock off list and counting. The shock waves of this and many other scandals are creating turmoil everywhere. - V, Guerrilla Economist, Q Alerts
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