Thursday, December 3, 2015

San Bernadino Shooting : Another mass shooting attack targeted 'gun-free zone' where Active shooter drills carried out on a regular basis. Coincidence?

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Another mass shooting attack targeted 'gun-free zone' of California, knowing citizens would be powerless to defend themselves... California is a human shooting range

San Bernardino
(NaturalNews) At the time of this writing, news about the horrific mass shootings in San Bernardino, Calif., is still unfolding. There are a great many details that have not yet become clear, except that more than a dozen people have been killed, many more wounded, and that the shooters targeted the Inland Region Center, which provides assistance and care for disabled persons. Also, at this writing, a terrorism link has not yet been established or ruled out – understandable given the recent attacks in Paris, where ISIS-sponsored gunmen killed 130 people and wounded scores more. Authorities are also fairly certain there was more than one gunman, that they were heavily armed, sporting military-style gear, hoods and semi-automatic rifles. What is less certain – in fact, what is a downright mystery, both to me and tens of millions of my countrymen – is why, oh why, there continue to be "gun-free zones" in a nation whose founders sought to ensure that none of their progeny would be without a means to protect themselves and their families unless they made the personal choice to be vulnerable.

Doubling down on stupidity – and vulnerability

And honestly, California is one of the worst offenders, featuring strict gun control laws, byzantine gun licensure processes and a ruling class that is at once protected by men and women with guns but disavowed of any obligation to allow those they rule the same right. Police are continuing to sort through evidence as I write this. They have yet to identify the perpetrators of this violence, let alone locate them. Soon, families of the victims will begin to mourn, with many angrily denouncing the assailants and, sadly, many calling for even more laws and regulations that will result in more deaths, more funerals and more heartbreak for more families in the future. Like Parisians in November, San Bernardinians victimized by this latest attack had no choice but to cower in place and wait for armed police to rush in and save them. Only, as usual, armed police are never at the locations where the deranged come to slaughter, at least not initially. They do get there, eventually, but not before the maximum carnage is inflicted on bewildered and vulnerable citizens, many of whom became victims against their will. Not that it made a difference in Paris, of course, where police, who are unarmed, themselves, have no option but to cower in the face of armed and determined criminals and terrorists. The irony is not so sweet; in the U.S., following such incidents, cops that resemble soldiers fill the streets following such mass murder events. In France, actual soldiers, with body armor, are deployed.

Will anyone in power do the right thing – finally?

But what are they protecting, really? Because by the time these assets are deployed, the murderers are often long gone, and while they are most often found at a later date, in another location, the carnage has been committed, the damage done. And there is no going back in time to reverse it. Yet our "leaders" keep doubling down on vulnerability. And stupidity. And taking chances with our lives. They force companies to spend scarce resources to provide employees with training in "active shooter drills," and require them to "practice" responding to a situation that, honestly – unless you've been around "active shooting," as in a war zone – most will have no idea how they'd really react. How about, for a change, we alter our direction? How about instead of mandating more gun-free zones, we start building some "universal protection zones," where citizens are free to utilize their Second Amendment right to protect themselves, and their spiritual right to self-preservation? We've done the vulnerability thing time and time and time again; let's try the "self-defense" and "self-protection" thing, okay? Is anyone in Washington – or Sacramento – listening? It's doubtful; they're too busy looking for a way to exploit this tragedy for political gain to do the right thing.



Active shooter drills carried out EVERY MONTH at San Bernardino Inland Regional Center... staff tweeted 'drill started' as police raid began

Active shooter drills
(NaturalNews) Get this: The location where the shooting was carried out in San Bernardino -- the Inland Regional Center -- has been subjected to monthly active shooter drills, we're now learning. This adds even more evidence to the notion that this may be a staged false flag event to provide Obama justification for outlawing private firearms ownership among law-abiding citizens. From the LA Times: At the Inland Regional Center, where she's a nurse, the staff works with clients and parents of clients who are sometimes angry. They have active-shooter drills every month or so. "Drill started," she texted her husband, Mark, around 11 a.m. She walked to a window nearby and filmed a video as law enforcement sprinted toward the building.

Astronomically unlucky shooters?

Yes, this woman actually texted, "Drill started." She recognized the pattern of movement that law enforcement has drilled countless times before. It's the same thing they've been drilling for every single month. What are the mathematical odds that a building where law enforcement has been "active shooter" drilling month after month would be randomly hit by active shooters? Nearly zero, of course. Similarly, of all the buildings in Los Angeles, how many are used by police as training grounds for monthly shooting drills? Virtually zero. Maybe these active shooters are just incredibly, astronomically unlucky, huh? They chose to be active shooters in the exact same building where LA law enforcement has been training in active shooting drills for months! Anyone who believes this is sheer coincidence is delusional.

"They know it's going to happen..."

That same LA Times story quotes the woman's husband: Mark Vong said he told his wife to stay calm and not to panic. "They train for this," he said, standing outside a police barricade Wednesday afternoon. "They know it's going to happen." Of course they know it's going to happen! They've been drilling the scenario for months! How blatant do these staged shootings have to get before people wake up and realize it's all a tragic manipulation of public emotions in order to confiscate guns from private citizens and unleash an Obama totalitarian regime that will soon be handed off to Hillary Clinton for the "full tyranny" crackdown? .................................................................................................

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San Bernardino Shooting Hoax : Active Shooter Drill Days BEFORE Attacks 100% PROOF (Redsilverj)


  The Free Thought Project

BREAKING: SWAT Team Drill Turns into REAL Mass Shooting Scenario in San Bernardino, CA

San Bernardino, CA — An active shooter situation is currently underway in the 1300 block of South Waterman Avenue in San Bernardino, California. The shooting apparently took place at the Inland Regional Center, which is a facility that provides services for people who have developmental disabilities. The facility had just celebrated its Christmas party. While details are scarce, what we have been told by authorities is that police are looking for 1-3 shooters and there are approximately 20 victims, with 12 being presumed dead.

 Fox Los Angeles reports that the suspects are “white males” in “military gear” and armed with “rifles.” According to KTLA, police have warned people not to talk to the media. At one point during the KTLA live stream, the reporter attempted to interview a witness and multiple officers rushed up and pushed the reporters and the witnesses apart. Below is a screen grab from the live stream showing confrontation. image: Capture3After the shooting began, San Bernardino Police Department Lt. Richard Lawhead said that their SWAT team happened to be conducting training nearby. The team was suited, “ready to roll” and responded rapidly, Lawhead said.

  Read More Here


Time - Line for San Bernadino Shooting

San Bernardino: At least 14 people killed in mass shooting; suspect identified


Shooting in San Bernardino Kills at Least 14, Wounds 17


Police storm Inland Regional Center


Male and Female Suspects Killed After Mass Shooting That Left 14 Dead, 17 Wounded


Two Suspects Killed by Police after Mass Shooting in San Bernardino, CA


Woman describes scene near San Bernardino shooting


Obama speaks on San Bernardino shooting

San Bernardino Shooting Hoax: Inland Regional Center Attack is 100% FAKE! Wake UP! (Redsilverj)

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