Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Will Morsi also Take the Muslim Brotherhood Down?

Veterans Today

  Will Egypt revolution be stolen again?

   … by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor    …with Press TV
-  First published on July 8th, 2013  -

The blood responsibility will be on whose hands?
I have watched with growing fear the aftermath of the Egyptian Army and people’s revolt against Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood as it scrambles to place interim leaders who can present a united front to the Egyptian people and avoid descending into civil war.

Much of the Egypt analysis coming in so far is biased by whatever side the writers happen to be supporting and of little value to us as we have been aware of the ideological disputes.
What we need to be looking at now is who internally in Egypt is responsible for what has happened, where certainly one of the options is both sides, and then have certain foreign players played a key role or distant one.
There is the usual ‘the US is running the whole show’ side. This of course is somewhat validated by the annual support to the Egyptian military.
But we must not forget that this was the military, despite America’s standing with Mubarak until almost the end, that went over to the people when they saw he was toast. By siding with the people they saved their own domestic respect, credibility, and privileges.
Michel Chossudovsky poses that the US is manipulating both sides and uses a quote to support the claim:
“US Defense Secretary Hagel and US Chief of Staff General Martin Dempsey were walking a fine line expressing concern while attempting to avoid the impression that the US was manipulating events behind the scene.”
Dempsey is known for his steady hand
But an obvious omission here by Chossudovsky is that the US military does not make policy, and peer to peer communications in all situations of turbulence are quite normal.
To cast them undoubtedly as evidence of control and manipulation is a stretch. The Army obviously made the call as it was their behinds on the line if Tahrir Two turns into a debacle.
Kevin Barrett also feels that the Morsi overthrow was a US covert coup, detailing a long history of the tactic being used. Constant involvement in other countries affairs always exposes you to blame for anything that happens there that no one likes.
You end up with ‘anti-American’ feelings (or more of them) which could have been avoided simply by keeping a distance. Our Founding Fathers warned us about this but America has lost its way in this regard.
Edward Peck, former US ambassador to Iraq, and with top sources in Washington. weighed in on the opposite side. “I think that the government of the United States is a little bit confused about what to do… I think anyone who believes that the U.S. or any other country can direct the events in Egypt is badly mistaken.”
I will now jump in here with the caveat that I have no crystal ball but will try to add some dispassionate analysis and some new input from other sources. Foreign Minister Hague recently said, that Britain planned to work with the interim government “as a practical matter” as many British citizens and businesses are in Egypt and international life must go on during these political turmoils.
Camp David Accords – Far away…and long ago…but still with us today
The same goes for the US. We obviously were working with the Morsi government and it should come as no surprise that holding fast to the Camp David Accords would be a top priority. It would be naive to think otherwise.
American support for Israel is not going to disappear overnight based on what happens in another country, but only after a long hard fight back here at home where we clean out of the Lobby infiltrators, subversives and their fellow travelers.
The world has watched the continuing political/religious struggle inside Egypt for a variety of reasons as Tahrir One was an historic event. The Muslim Brotherhood came in on the tail end of that. The young people had initiated and carried the revolution on their own shoulders through the most difficult and dangerous period, with the Army finally joining in to tip the tide.
So the MB had no problem with the people and the army teaming up to remove a democratically elected government when it paved the way for their possibly realizing their dream of running Egypt as an Islamic state.
The current showdown began in earnest with the second year anniversary of the 2011 revolution in late January. Morsi had already burned bridges with the opposition with his decree that none of his presidential edicts could be reversed by the courts, which earned him the nickname the “New Pharaoh.”
Is the Brotherhood trying to resurrect the politically dead?
The opposition became more outspoken and called for removal of the ‘dictatorship’ and trials of its top figures, which we might still see.
Tensions flared with the famous Salafi cleric Mahmoud Shaaban being arrested for inciting violence against NSF leaders when he said on February 2nd that for their [NSF] wanting to get rid of the Morsi government that “it was clear that their sentence in God’s law was death.” That was waving a red flag in front of the army.

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