Thursday, June 13, 2013

Do not Confuse Criminals with Whistle-blowers

Establishment vs. Rebels

TheYoungTurks TheYoungTurks

Published on Jun 12, 2013
"In the old days it used to be Democrats versus Republicans, now that's not really the paradigm anymore when it comes to big government apparently most of the Democrats and Republicans love it either way. And if you dare to strike back against big government well they will strike against you" Cenk Uygur ( host of The Young Turks discusses the response by the establishment and rebels to the Snowden leak.

Is it More Treasonous to Violate the Constitution or to Expose Those Violations?


Freda Art
Eric Blair Activist Post In a free society the government is supposed to be open and transparent while the citizens enjoy privacy. What, then, do you call a society where the government is ultra secretive and all citizens are spied on by the state? Establishment pundits are frantically attempting to make the NSA spy scandal story about whether the whistleblower is a hero or a traitor instead of debating the real issue -- whether broad government spying on U.S. citizens violates their Constitutional rights. This divide-and-distract strategy has long been used to protect the real criminals to a free society. Some officials are taking the extreme position that the NSA whistleblower, Edward Snowden, committed treason by releasing proof of what most Americans already suspected, that their every move is being spied on by their government. These officials, like Rep. Peter King (R-NY) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), also happen to be the staunchest advocates for destroying the Bill of Rights, the Fourth Amendment in particular. Snowden broke a corporate disclosure contract; these officials broke their oath to the Constitution. Who are the real traitors here?

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Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs

Pardon Me for Taking Offense with Your ‘Pardon- Seeking’ Petition

Tuesday, 11. June 2013
Do Not Mix Up Criminals with Whistleblowers
Someone had the gall to send me this pathetically misguided, ignorant, and demeaning petition requesting a Governmental Pardon for NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. I say pathetic because I believe this was a genuine attempt to support this courageous whistleblower, but instead became an establishment-supporting, insulting and self-defeating petition due to the authors’-organizers’ ignorance. I say misguided because this is a case where the criminals who have violated our Constitution and laws are the ones who should be seeking forgiveness and pardon from the people. The executive branch is the party which has violated the Constitution and broken the supreme laws of this nation, thus in need of repentance and pardoning. Not the courageous whistleblower who took his oath to protect the United States Constitution seriously and actually exercised it. I say demeaning because it misrepresents and insults the guardians of the United States Constitution, and reduces these truth-telling whistleblowers to criminals-to those who have committed illegalities. Not only that, it simultaneously raises the status of a criminal government to those of kings and emperors who can do no wrong. When the kings engage in criminality they call it ‘the king’s given rights.’ When an irate minority dares to expose the kings’ criminality they are declared a criminal-to dare to challenge the kings. The insulting ignoramuses who drafted this pathetic petition are giving the president and the executive branch of the United States of America the status of absolute kings and emperors. Here we have a case where there is a president and his entourage who see themselves as the absolute and untouchable kings of the United States, and break with reckless abandon the supreme law of the United States, the Constitution. They do so repeatedly; with arrogance and impunity. We have a case where a conscientious citizen of the United States does what his citizenship demands of him: he stands up and protects the Constitution of the United States by exposing the kings engaged in its violation and destruction. So what do we have so far? Please repeat after me: We have the United States Executive Branch which has suspended, violated and destructed the United States Constitution and its citizens’ rights. We have the United States Legislative and Judicial Branches which have abdicated their responsibilities under the United States Constitution, and instead of overseeing and holding accountable the President and his cabinet, who in this case have been violating and destroying the United States Constitution, they have been protecting and collaborating with them. And we have a true American, a citizen who has taken his US citizenship and citizen responsibilities that go with it very seriously-as demanded by the United States Constitution. He has courageously come forward to inform and warn his country of its rulers’ criminality. Now please tell me who should be seeking a pardon here? The conscientious citizen who is protecting the mother-of-all laws of his nation-the Constitution? Or the kings who have suspended, violated and broken the laws of this nation? Or the Judiciary and Legislative Branches who have abandoned their responsibility to the people of this nation and their oath to the Constitution?

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