Saturday, June 29, 2013

Using Discernment When Viewing Emotionally Impacting Photos With Anger Provoking Captions and No References To Their Origination

By Desert Rose

According to Syrian Truth’s Facebook page, the above photo is of a toddler living in the Deir ez-Zor Governate in eastern Syria, bordering Iraq. She was tied up by members of the U.S.-supported “Free Syrian Army” — which is dominated by foreign, Sunni jihadis — and made to watch as her mother and father were killed for being Shia. Here is how the Obama administration is using your tax dollars — mockingly in the name of “freedom.”
America what in the hell is going on here?
June 26th  ,   2013

This  photo is  being  circulated as an  example of the  cruelty  of the   Syrian  Rebels being  perpetrated  upon the   Syrian  People.  Far  be it  from  me to   defend  the   Rebels  as  I  believe they  are  murderers  and  terrorists.  Just as  I  believe  the western Countries  funding  them and  arming them  are  murderers  and terrorists.
This photo is  also making the  rounds with  captions insinuating that   it is a  Palestinian  child  being  abused  and  used  by   Israel.  While it  is  extremely  important   for us  to  get the  word  out  and  make  available  all the news  we  are  able .  So  as  to   afford  the   People  an  opportunity  to  understand  all of the truth  , not  just  the part  the   government  and the   MSM  media  would have  them believe.  To use  and  manipulate a  heart  wrenching  photo   for  the  purpose of  furthering an  agenda that has  nothing to do with the  original  photo.  To  use  the   obvious  pain and  suffering this  child  has  had  to  endure captured  so painfully in this  photo.  To  use  this  for  a  personal  agenda  belittles  the  suffering  this innocent  has  had  to   suffer.  Thereby,  making the  person  utilizing  the  image  for   a  personal  agenda  as   guilty  as  those who abuse  her.  How  dare  you  utilize  her  pain and  suffering  to further  whatever  personal  agenda  you  may  have!
You  are  no better than the scum that has  done this to  her.  To  distribute  this  photo without  the truth  behind her  suffering.  Without  the  so  much as  offering an inkling of information as  to what has  happened  to  her.  Anyone  who  has  obtained  this  photo  from  legitimate  sources  would  have  that  information and  would be  able  to  present it.  So far  I  have  found  no one giving  credit  to  the  photographer.  Nor have  they  presented   background  information  on  the   child or  her whereabouts.
Shame on  you  for  using  her  suffering.  Shame on  you  for abusing  the  hearts  of all those  reading  your entries  as if  they  were  truth.  Their  kindness and  humanity  being   twisted  into   knots  of  horror  and  disgust to  serve  your  agenda.  Making  you  lower  than the  scum that has  perpetrated  this crime  against  an  innocent.  What kind of  low life's  are  you ?????
I  know  that  there  are  some  of  you  out  there  getting the  message  out .  Looking at this  photo  , it  wrenching  at  your  heart and  you  are  doing  it  for a  good  reason.  To  help,  to  get the  word  out .  However,  we  need  the  truth.  We  need  to  know  the true  source  and the true cause  of  this  pain and  suffering  so that  the perpetrators  can  be  called t   task.  Please   vet  your  sources  as  carefully  as   you  possibly  can.  Doing otherwise  could  very  well  be causing  you  and  anyone  else   who does  so  to be  playing into the  hands  of  the  manipulators  using  this  for their  own twisted purposes.
Please  vet  your  sources  and  make  sure  that  the  photos are  accredited  to their  creators.  There  are  too many   more than  willing to  exploit   these poor  innocents  for  ratings  and  for the  advancement of t heir  sick  agendas.
Be  Informed!
Be  Discerning!
Demand Truth!
Demand Proof!
Condemn Lies!
Condemn Depravity!
Always  Ask  Questions!
Never, Never Accept and  Unsubstantiated Claim Without Legitimate Sources!
Ask for the  truth  so that  the  bastards  responsible  for  this  heinous  act  can  be  held  accountable!!

Please  Let's Do This Little Ones  and Others  Like  Her  Justice!!!  Please!!!
Who is  she ?
Where is  she ?
What  has  become  of  her ?
Who took the  photo?
Who  tied  her  up?
Why is  she  crying?
All  goodhearted  people  who  view  this  photo  will have  these questions  and  to  do  her  justice  they  must  be  answered.  Anyone  with  any  information  about  this photo ,  the   little   girl or  sources  to the  original information of  the  photo  would be   appreciated.

#الحقيقةالسورية | #صورة | #ديرالزور : قام أفراد ما تسمى بـ "هيئة الرقابة المالية" التابعة لـ "#جبهة_النصرة " الإرهابية باعتقال هذه الفتاة وربطها بهذه الطريقة المجرمة في محافظة #دير_الزور ثم قاموا بقتل والديها أمام عينيها لاسباب طائفية .
— with Mohammad W. Lahfi.

According to Syrian Truth’s Facebook page, the above photo is of a toddler living in the Deir ez-Zor Governate in eastern Syria, bordering Iraq. She was tied up by members of the U.S.-supported “Free Syrian Army” — which is dominated by foreign, Sunni jihadis — and made to watch as her mother and father were killed for being Shia. Here is how the Obama administration is using your tax dollars — mockingly in the name of “freedom.”
June 21st  , 2013


According to Syrian Truth’s Facebook page, the above photo is of a toddler living in the Deir ez-Zor Governate in eastern Syria, bordering Iraq. She was tied up by members of the U.S.-supported “Free Syrian Army” — which is dominated by foreign, Sunni jihadis — and made to watch as her mother and father were killed for being Shia. Here is how the Obama administration is using your tax dollars — mockingly in the name of “freedom.”

June 23rd,  2013

Israel Tortura de niños palestinos y los usa como escudos humanos, dice la ONU

(Israel tortures Palestinian children and  use  them as  human  shields says the  UN

El Comité de la ONU sobre los Derechos del Niño el jueves acusó a las fuerzas israelíes de maltratar a niños palestinos - incluyendo la tortura de los detenidos, y el uso de otros como escudos humanos.
Translation :
(A UN Human Rights  Committee for  Children  Thursday accused Israeli forces of  mistreatment of Palestinian children - Including the  torture of  detainees and the use of  others  as  human  shields)
June  22nd  ,  2013

Israel tortura crianças palestinas e as usa como escudos humanos, afirma a ONU

 Translation :
(Israel tortures Palestinian  children and uses  them as  human shields ,  affirms the  UN)

Comitê da ONU sobre os Direitos da Criança acusou nesta quinta-feira as forças israelenses de maltratar crianças palestinas — inclusive de torturar aquelas sob custódia, além de usar outras como escudos humanos.
Translation :
(A UN Human Rights  Committee for  Children  Thursday accused Israeli forces of  mistreatment of Palestinian children - Including the  torture of  detainees and the use of  others  as  human  shields)
June  22nd ,  2013

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